Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Brief Note On Fighting Against Childhood Obesity

Shayne Steffen Mrs.Gordon Language Arts 5 2, March 2016 NCOF: Fighting Against Childhood Obesity In 2006, about 15% of all children and teens, ages 6-19, were obese (Eberstadt 45). How do you maintain a healthy weight? A healthy weight is reached by balancing the number of calories you eat with the number of calories you use. Weight gain occurs when the number of calories you eat is greater than the number of calories you use (Beliefnet 1). The National Childhood Obesity Foundation (NCOF), is working to eliminate childhood obesity by promoting physical activity and proper nutrition through mascots, holding events such as walks for education, and research, and teaching with a program called THINK. The definition provided by†¦show more content†¦Is there a relationship between time, money, and food? The first KFC opened in 1930 (KFC ® - So Good. 1). Burger King and Taco Bell opened in 1954 (BURGER KING ® About Us 1, The Quesalupa Is Here.† 1). McDonalds opened in 1955 and lastly, Wendy’s opened in 1969 (â€Å"Our History. 1, The Wendy s Story. 1). In 1 970, the GDP in the United State was 4,707.10 which is roughly 3,000 more dollars than in 1930 (GDP-Real (Adjusted) United States 1). Parents’ would most likely work endless hours to get the money to feed their children. They get home late and do not have anything left to cook and their children are starving. So they take a trip over to the nearest McDonalds or Wendy’s and pick up a 50 cent burger. Fast food was cheaper and easier to access than buying and cooking a healthy meal. That is how it worked then and that is still how it works today. From 1990-2013, the obese infant/young children increased from 32 million to 42 million. If current trends hold, approximately 70 million children will be obese by the year 2025. (See figure one) Over 10 years, the obesity rate in Africa rose from 4-9 million (If Current Trends Hold 1). Due to the fact that fast food is easy to access, we tend to go towards that food. With many children obese, sports are harder to play which can bring down their participation grades. Schools can try to have a healthier choices but still provide burgers, fries, pizza, and other unhealthy options children would choose over a salad filled

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Information Governance The Center Of The Healthcare...

Information is the center of the healthcare industry. All healthcare organizations utilize information whether in written or oral form. Safe and accurate information are some of the keys to quality care. With the industry constantly changing and with several ways of accessing processed data, safeguarding patient information is top priority. Information governance (IG) seeks to improve how information is handled (Hutchinson Sharples, 2006). IG includes the protection of data, personal health records (PHR), electronic health records (EHR), and medical information exchanged via telemedicine. Breaches of personal information have been occurring more often and the time for information governance is indeed now. This paper will explain what information governance is, give examples of data breaches and how the particular organization was affected, and explain the importance of implementing information governance. Information Governance One of the most common issues in healthcare is the proper exchange, use, storage and disposal of information. Information exchange is what drives healthcare organizations. Whether in written or oral form, it is a way for organizations to communicate internally as well as externally. With technology constantly on the rise, information can easily be accessed in several different forms such as smartphones, tablets and social media. Healthcare organizations have also been implementing the use of electronic health records (EHR) which opensShow MoreRelatedA Survey On The Healthcare System Essay1574 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Some believe the healthcare may be the most scrutinized industry out there today (Ashrafi, Kelleher Kuiboer, 2014). As the government continues to reform the U.S. healthcare system away from a fee for service to a value based model, many institutions are turning to business intelligence (BI) and analytics for assistance. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

World War 2 Free Essays

World War II ?Was a global military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, which involved most of the world’s nations, including all of the great powers: ? The Allies: France, Great Britain, USA, The Soviet Union and China. ?The Axis: Germany, Italy, and Japan. We are going to focus from 1944 to 1945, emphasizing the important role of England in the Normandy Battle. We will write a custom essay sample on World War 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Normandy Region corresponding to the former Duchy of Normandy. It is situated along the English Channel coast of Northern France between Brittany and Picardy, and comprises territory in Northern France and the Channel Islands. The Battle of Normandy was fought in 1944 between Nazi Germany and invading Allied Forces in Western Europe during the World War II, the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. A great invasion force stood off the Normandy coast of France as dawn broke, 9 battleships, 23 cruisers, 104 destroyers, and 71 large landing craft of various descriptions as well as troop transports, mine sweepers, and merchantmen, the largest armada ever assembled. The naval bombardment that began at 0550 that morning detonated large minefields along the shoreline and destroyed a number of the enemy’s defensive positions. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Saving_Private_Ryan http://www. youtube. com/results? search_query=the%20battle%20of%20%20normandysearch=Searchsa=Xoi=spellresnum=0spell=1 http://www. youtube. com/results? search_query=the%20battle%20of%20%20normandysearch=Searchsa=Xoi=spellresnum=0spell=1 Some important events in 1944 January 6, 1944 – Soviet troops advance into Poland. January 27, 1944 – Leningrad relieved after a 900-day siege. February 15-18 – Allies bomb the monastery at Monte Cassino. May 25, 1944 – Germans retreat from Anzio. June 5, 1944 – Allies enter Rome. June 6, 1944 – D-Day landings on the Northern coast of France. June 27, 1944 – U. S. troops liberate Cherbourg, France. July 3, 1944 – ‘Battle of the Hedgerows’ in Normandy; Soviets capture Minsk. August 31, 1944 – Soviet troops take Bucharest. September 1-4 – Verdun, Dieppe, Artois, Rouen, Abbeville, Antwerp and Brussels liberated by Allies. September 26, 1944 – Soviet troops occupy Estonia. October 2, 1944 – Warsaw Uprising ends as the Polish Home Army surrenders to the October 30, 1944 – Last use of gas chambers at Auschwitz. November 20, 1944 – French troops drive through the ‘Beffort Gap’ to reach the Rhine. November 24, 1944 – French capture Strasbourg. December 4, 1944 – Civil War in Greece; Athens placed under martial law. December 26, 1944 – Patton relieves Bastogne. December 27, 1944 – Soviet troops besiege Budapest. Some important events in 1945 January 1-17 – Germans withdraw from the Ardennes. January 16, 1945 – U. S. 1st and 3rd Armies link up after a month long separation during the Battle of the Bulge. January 26, 1945 – Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz. February 4-11 – Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin meet at Yalta. February 13/14 – Dresden is destroyed by a firestorm after Allied bombing raids. March 6, 1945 – Last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in Hungary. March 30, 1945 – Soviet troops capture Danzig. In April – Allies discover stolen Nazi art and wealth hidden in German salt mines. April 1, 1945 – U. S. troops encircle Germans in the Ruhr; Allied offensive in northern Italy. April 29, 1945 – U. S. 7th Army liberates Dachau. April 30, 1945 – Adolf Hitler commits suicide. May 9, 1945 – Hermann Goring is captured by members of the U. S. 7th Army. May 23, 1945 – SS-Reichsfuhrer Himmler commits suicide; German High Command and Provisional Government imprisoned. June 5, 1945 – Allies divide up Germany and Berlin and take over the government. June 26, 1945 – United Nations Charter is signed in San Francisco. July 1, 1945 – American, British, and French troops move into Berlin. July 26, 1945 – Atlee succeeds Churchill as British Prime Minister. August 6, 1945 – First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima, Japan. August 14, 1945 – Japanese agree to unconditional surrender. September 2, 1945 – Japanese sign the surrender agreement; Â  V-J (Victory over Japan) Day. October 24, 1945 – United Nations is born. November 20, 1945 – Nuremberg war crimes trails begin. Resources http://www. historyplace. com/worldwar2/timeline/ww2time. htm#1944 9/2/11. How to cite World War 2, Essay examples World War 2 Free Essays Briana Rogers Mr. Carter Freshman Seminar H8 October 3, 2012 First Benedict Home Game Where I’m from we don’t have a football team or a marching band, which means there’s really no excitement for getting ready for the first game. The sports my high school was always prepared for was lacrosse and basketball. We will write a custom essay sample on World War 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Knowing that I was finally coming to a school with a football team made me even more excited to in college. Though, I had heard the rumors about the team never winning games it didn’t bring me down because I knew for sure that no matter what I was going to enjoy every moment of the game. Walking to the stadium with friends put me into that mood knowing that the night was going to be very eventful, whether we were to win or lose the game. Personally I was just ready to hear the band, cheer my team on, and have a blast. I wanted to support BC to the point I had the school colors and had my face painted. After so many years of always going with someone to their football and not my own school, this was finally the time for me to live it up. I stayed until half time to hear the band. I can honestly say that for it to be my first college football game I enjoyed myself with the group of people I was and would do it again, plus with our football team to win the game How to cite World War 2, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Nursing Homes Are Best Place For Elderly †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Nursing Homes Are Best Place For Elderly? Answer: Introducation The question whether nursing homes are suitable for the elderly people is a contentious issue that has been a major focus by health workers and family members. A nursing home is a residential based care that offers nursing care to the elderly who do not necessarily require hospitalization but are in need of medical care and assistance. Nursing homes provide long-stay care for the elderly persons (Morley et al. 2014: 309). For this reason, the demand and dependency of care homes/nursing homes continue increasing steadily due to the increase in the population in need. Despite this fact, a majority of people argue that nursing homes are the best places for the aged persons while others maintain that the place in unsuitable, unfavorable and inefficient in meeting the health care needs of the elderly. In this case, therefore, this paper seeks to illuminate the reasons why nursing homes are the best place for the elderly. There has been significance dependency in the nursing care homes in the recent decades. Consequently, nursing care homes experience population pressure a factor that is largely contributed by earlier discharge from health care facilities (Rolland et al.2014:308). The nursing care home is a suitable alternative that has helped in accommodating the growing number of frail people. It has thus helped families ease the burden of caring for their old relatives and instead offer services that these people may not receive in their residents (Katz, 2011: 488). Some factors have also led to the increased desire for nursing home admission (Spector et al.2013: 675-677). Firstly, approximately, two-third of the persons admitted to the hospital are 65 and above thus the frequent admission from hospital to nursing care homes. Secondly, there is the decrease in the number of the older people seeking inpatient services. Moreover, there is the issue of early discharge and consequent admission the nursing care home. Thirdly is the inappropriate use of hospital by this category of people d ue to bed-locking thus the need for enrollment in care homes. Older people admission to hospitals is associated with patient's exacerbation of stress, illness, and anxiety. Therefore, nursing care homes play a major role in preventing hospitalization. Mainly, nursing care homes reduce the rate of hospital readmission for the elderly. While the above point underpins the importance of older people admission to nursing homes, there is also substantial evidence that services offered in the two different environments vary considerably (Katz, 2011: 490). In this case, the location of a nursing home is central in determining whether the patients access quality health care or not (Turrel, 2001: 27). For instance, as opposed to nursing homes, hospitals enjoy a lot of skills from clinical nurse specialists, specialist nurse practitioners, and link nurses. Additionally, there are also the development nurses that play the role of informing nursing practice (Cherry and Jacob, 2016:367). However, these skills may be inaccessible to nursing homes especially when the homes are located in very remote areas. According to Turrel (2001:25), nursing homes provide better physical environment compared to the geriatric hospital wards. The former favorably cater for the patient's personal choices. Nevertheless, the aspect of the physical environment for both aspects may differ from one state to the other. For instance, the Royal Commission of United Kingdom noted that although the nursing care homes facilities and amenities did not meet the national standard, there was a notable improvement in the same (Turrel, 2001:25). Therefore, Turrel (2001:26) identifies the markers of quality nursing home care that include and not limited to; access to rehabilitation therapists and facilities, access to nursing care, access medical care, documentation and assessment of a patient, and prescription practice. On the contrary, older people that reside in nursing care homes suffer from numerous conditions that may be poorly managed. Conditions such as dementia, incontinence, diabetes, and other cognitive impairments require particular expertise for effective management (Morley et al. 2014: 309). Despite the notion that the availability of such specialists in nursing care homes could prevent hospitalization by a larger percentage, the number is inadequate (Graverholt, Forsetlund, and Jamtvedt, 2014:36). In other words, the specialists are not always available in such environments. Additionally, as earlier mentioned, nursing care homes continue to encounter large numbers elderly admissions. However, the number of the patients versus the health care givers does not match thereby leading to poor quality of health care (Tolson et al. 2011:186). There is, therefore, the need to ensure that there is proper staffing if there is the need to improve the condition of the health care homes. The major p roblem that encompasses the issue of skills is that the nursing home based nurses provide a 24-hour on-site nursing care. However, the number of nurses employed in such facilities is determined by the registering authority when the home is empty and depends on the number of beds (Grabowski et al.2014: 39). In this case, therefore, it is difficult to enroll more nurses even as the level of dependency in the nursing care homes increases. The rationale is that there is the problem of enforcing the changes that may facilitate the increase of the number of the trained nursing staff. In conclusion, nursing care homes are better alternatives for the elderly. However, one cannot dismiss the fact that there is the need to enhance the conditions of the homes' facilities and amenities to ensure that the services are effective. Similarly, there is the need to ensure that the environment is equipped with specialized nursing skills to cater for diverse health, psychological, physical and other needs of the patients. Additionally, the improvement of services and staffs in the nursing care homes is a critical approach that seeks to balance the pressure of the increased homes' admissions. Essentially, nursing care homes significantly reduce the rate of elderly admission and readmissions in hospitals. The outcome can be considered to be positive in that the elderly patients are entitled to some freedom (that includes movement and unlimited association with family members, relatives and friends). Hence, this helps reduce such factors as depression, anxiety, stress or loneline ss that in most cases lead to health deterioration. It is thus evident that nursing homes are the most suitable places for the older people so long as proper improvements in the facilities are implemented. References Cherry, B. and Jacob, S.R., (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, management. Elsevier Health Sciences. Grabowski, D.C., OMalley, A.J., Afendulis, C.C., Caudry, D.J., Elliot, A. and Zimmerman, S., (2014). Culture change and nursing home quality of care. The Gerontologist, 54(Suppl_1), pp.S35-S45. Graverholt, B., Forsetlund, L. and Jamtvedt, G., (2014). Reducing hospital admissions from nursing homes: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 14(1), p.36. Katz, P.R., (2011). An international perspective on long term care: focus on nursing homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 12(7), pp.487-492. Morley, J.E., Caplan, G., Cesari, M., Dong, B., Flaherty, J.H., Grossberg, G.T., Holmerova, I., Katz, P.R., Koopmans, R., Little, M.O. and Martin, F., (2014). International survey of nursing home research priorities. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15(5), pp.309-312. Rolland, Y., Tolson, D., Morley, J.E. and Vellas, B., (2014). The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) nursing home initiative. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15(5), pp.307-308. Spector, W.D., Limcangco, R., Williams, C., Rhodes, W. and Hurd, D., (2013). Potentially avoidable hospitalizations for elderly long-stay residents in nursing homes. Medical care, 51(8), pp.673-681. Tolson, D., Rolland, Y., Andrieu, S., Aquino, J.P., Beard, J., Benetos, A., Berrut, G., Coll-Planas, L., Dong, B., Forette, F. and Franco, A., (2011). International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics: A global agenda for clinical research and quality of care in nursing homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 12(3), pp.184-189. Turrell, A. (2001). Nursing homes: a suitable alternative to hospital care for older people in the UK?. Age and Ageing, 30(suppl_3), 24-32.