Thursday, February 27, 2020

A part of an author's life that heavily influenced their writing Essay

A part of an author's life that heavily influenced their writing - Essay Example Sylvia Plath was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1932(â€Å"Sylvia Plath Biography,† 2011). Her early life was marred with tragedy when, at just eight years old, her father died(â€Å"Sylvia Plath Biography,† 2011). Plath’s experience with her father’s death influenced many of the poems that she wrote as both a child and an adult. It was due to this realism that she incorporated into her written works that an eight year old Plath received a measure of success when she had her first poem published in The Boston Herald(â€Å"Sylvia Plath Biography,† 2011). Her poems and stories are said to be primarily autobiographical which illustrates that Plath lived by the motto of writing what she knew. Perhaps the best example of Sylvia Plath’s writing being influenced by her own life can be found in her most famous work The Bell Jar. This novella is about a severely depressed woman who seeks help from a psychiatric hospital. The main character ends up being able to conquer her mental illness by the end of book and appears to go on to live a happy life(â€Å"Plath, Sylvia : The Bell Jar†). The book is said to be largely autobiographical and many of the experiences that the main character has in the book are similar to those experienced by Plath who attempted suicide in 1953 and received treatment at a hospital in Massachusetts(â€Å"Plath, Sylvia : The Bell Jar†). The main character deals with common treatments of the time such as electroshock therapy and psychoanalytic therapy which mirrors Plath’s ordeal at the hospital(â€Å"Plath, Sylvia : The Bell Jar†). Plath dealt with chronic mental illness, and it was her own life experiences that influe nced this particular book as well as her poetry. The happiness that the main character in The Bell Jar displays at the end is likely wishful thinking on Plath’s part as she

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Buy American Requirements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Buy American Requirements - Assignment Example and any form of assembly at the construction site is not considered â€Å"Produced in the United States.† iii) What is not regulated – this category comprises of raw materials other that iron and/or steel, non-manufactured goods that are not either iron or steel, the origin of component and the sub-components parts of manufactured goods, and Loan and Grant Funds that was intended for the purchase of equipment ONLY. iv) Concerning construction bidding and contract documents – advertisement for bids is expected to be funded in whole or part with funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the use of these funds are applicable only when all the iron, steel, and manufactured goods are produced in the U.S. The contract on information for bidders and supplemental general conditions are also funded in part or whole by ARRA in accordance with Section 1605 of the ARRA (funds are used only if all the iron, steel, and manufactured goods are produced in the US). As was discussed previously, VectorCal is an already established firm that provides security services to governmental departments, the private sector, and individuals through drone navigation. DroveIn is also intended to perform theses duties, in addition to the provision of services that are not available from VectorCal. These services include the development of more user-friendly, wholesome, and affordable drones and the creation of a long-term relationship with the customers using a quantitative model (Deberg, 2011). Just like VectorCal, my company (DroneIn) will most probably develop its drones using iron and steel, and other manufactured items produced in the United States. Thus, these two firms may benefit from the Buy American Requirements in the following ways: 1) They are profit-making organizations and are thus, not impacted by these requirements. This implies that there will be no requirement for the components and