Wednesday, September 2, 2020

oppositional defiant disorder :: essays research papers

As per the DSM-IV, if a youngster's difficult practices don't meet the rules for Conduct Disorder, yet include an example of resistant, furious, adversarial, threatening, bad tempered, or malicious conduct, Oppositional Defiant Disorder might be analyzed. These kids may reprimand others for their issues. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is an example of negativistic, unfriendly, and disobedient conduct enduring at any rate a half year, during which (at least four) of coming up next are available: Regularly loses temper. Regularly contends with grown-ups. Regularly effectively resists or won't conform to grown-ups' solicitations or rules. Frequently purposely bothers individuals. Frequently censures others for their mix-ups or bad conduct. Is frequently sensitive or effectively irritated by others. Is frequently furious and angry. Is frequently resentful or pernicious. Note that a guide or specialist will consider an analysis of oppositional resistant turmoil just if the conduct happens more every now and again than is normally seen in people of practically identical age and formative level. As it were, the issues and clashes among youngsters and guardians are as old as time itself, and some contention is typical and unavoidable. Be that as it may, when the parent/youngster struggle turns out to be progressively extreme and has all the earmarks of being spiraling crazy, at that point ODD may be thought of. Likewise, as teenagers are developing and learning, they will in some cases do some less than ideal things that can mess them up, both lawful and in school. Be that as it may, if this conduct doesn't rehash itself and is a one-time occasion, at that point a conduct issue is most likely not present. For a determination of ODD to be made, the unsettling influence in conduct must reason noteworthy issues in school, involved with loved ones, and in the working environment. ODD won't be analyzed if the specialist speculates that the adolescent's practices are in effect legitimately brought about by another maniacal or state of mind issue, for example, bipolar confusion. oppositional rebellious confusion :: articles research papers As indicated by the DSM-IV, if a youngster's difficult practices don't meet the standards for Conduct Disorder, however include an example of disobedient, furious, adversarial, unfriendly, bad tempered, or malignant conduct, Oppositional Defiant Disorder might be analyzed. These kids may reprimand others for their issues. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is an example of negativistic, unfriendly, and rebellious conduct enduring in any event a half year, during which (at least four) of coming up next are available: Frequently loses temper. Frequently contends with grown-ups. Frequently effectively opposes or will not agree to grown-ups' solicitations or rules. Regularly intentionally pesters individuals. Regularly reprimands others for their mix-ups or trouble making. Is frequently tricky or handily irritated by others. Is frequently irate and angry. Is frequently angry or malevolent. Note that a guide or advisor will consider a determination of oppositional insubordinate turmoil just if the conduct happens more every now and again than is commonly seen in people of tantamount age and formative level. As such, the issues and clashes among teenagers and guardians are as old as time itself, and some contention is ordinary and unavoidable. Be that as it may, when the parent/youngster strife turns out to be progressively serious and gives off an impression of being spiraling wild, at that point ODD may be thought of. Likewise, as youngsters are developing and learning, they will at times do some exceptionally not recommended things that can mess them up, both lawful and in school. Be that as it may, if this conduct doesn't rehash itself and is a one-time occasion, at that point a conduct issue is presumably not present. For a conclusion of ODD to be made, the aggravation in conduct must reason critical issues in school, involved with loved ones, and in the working environment. ODD won't be analyzed if the advisor speculates that the adolescent's practices are as a rule legitimately brought about by another crazy or disposition issue, for example, bipolar confusion.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Should the Oxford's word of the year to be included in a formal Research Paper

Should the Oxford's statement of the year to be remembered for a proper word reference - Research Paper Example To encourage regular seeing, every one of these words, regardless of whether simple or hard, normal or extraordinary ought to be suitably reported in a word reference (Winchester 87, qtd. in Brown). In the ongoing years, the general public has utilized different words for casual correspondence and self articulation in the web. Among the most well known are the words â€Å"selfie, bitcoins, and twerk† which Oxford had declared as the new worldwide expressions of 2013 (Rabe). This paper endeavors to depict the capabilities of new words to be set in a word reference. It will likewise delineate the suggestions for instructors and understudies for incorporating Oxford’s new words in a conventional word reference. At long last, it endeavors to show why these new words ought not be contained in formal word references. Meaning of Oxford’s New Words The new Oxford’s worldwide words were created at the stature of innovation and computerized correspondence. For example, selfie is utilized to portray an individual who is enamored with taking pictures of oneself which are then posted in the long range interpersonal communication destinations. This word was first utilized in an online gathering in Australia (Rabe). What's more, twerk is characterized in the internet based life as â€Å"work hips in a sexual way† (â€Å"Twerk†). Then again, bitcoin alludes to the new type of money for making on the web buys. It has been advanced as the new computerized money (â€Å"Bitcoin†). At present, the utilization of bitcoins is still in the exploratory stage so there is a likelihood that this word won't stay lasting. Capability of Words in Formal Dictionary The general guideline for another word to be qualified in a word reference is that the word should increase a critical number of references from various distributions. This demonstrates numerous individuals are utilizing the word. Nonetheless, this standard doesn't matter to all circumstances. There are situations when such a large number of references give editors trouble to recognize the genuine significance of the word (â€Å"How Does a Word†). For example, after the word selfie got well known in an online discussion in Australia, a few words were additionally grown, for example, â€Å"drelfie† to allude to â€Å"drunken selfie† and â€Å"welfie† for â€Å"workout selfie† (Rabe). Besides, another word ought to likewise be refered to for at any rate a few years in different sources before it very well may be set in a printed and formal word reference (â€Å"How Do You Decide†). A significant number o f the new words, for example, selfie, bitcoins, and twerk that were perceived by Oxford come to a great extent originate from internet based life. Since there is an absence of variety of sources, the new words despite everything need capability despite the fact that they have arrived at a huge measure of references from person to person communication destinations. A gathering of editors is liable for assessing whether certain new words are able to be put in a proper word reference. Their decisions are essentially founded on the cash of the words, clearness of importance, and the foundation of the words in the language of a general public (â€Å"How Does a Word†). Consequently, editors need to have a generous timeframe to successfully assess the capability of the new words. With the nearness of the web, it is exceptionally simple for specific words to turn out to be profoundly famous and increase various references. In this manner, the editors ought not put together their deci sions exclusively with respect to the recurrence of references. This applies to the different new words that Oxford is thinking about to put in its proper word reference. In addition, the new words recognized by Oxford particularly selfie and twerk are generally considered as slang words which are utilized for casual correspondence in websites and online gathering among surfers in the web network. This is obvious in the word reference for slang words which characterizes selfie as a photo of oneself which is taken without anyone else (â€Å"Selfie†

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Affordable Care Act Essay Example for Free

The Affordable Care Act Essay The Affordable Care Act objective is to diminish social insurance costs through administrations introduced to people as of now that cant get protection. People in the public eye with no human services protection consistently use clinic crisis offices as their essential consideration doctor (PCP), which expands cost for everyone. A few points of interest to Affordable Care Act are: Preventive administrations are free, which drops social insurance costs by dealing with diseases ahead of time, so they won’t arrive at a costly emergency. In the interest of people who don’t have adequate measure of cash for health care coverage, the Federal government will repay the states for adding people to the Medicaid program. The pay condition is loosened up to 133% of the Federal neediness level, generally $31,000 for a group of four as indicated by (The Affordable Care Act). People who are not qualified for broadened Medicaid is given duty credits. States are required to set up protection cooperations, or utilize the Federal governments trade. Protection organizations can't dismiss youngsters inclusion for prior diseases. Protection organizations can no longer drop somebody from inclusion when they have an ailment. On the off chance that an organization rejects somebody’s inclusion, that individual can go to an outer interests technique. Guardians can put their youngsters up to age 26 on their medical coverage plans. Obamacare doesn't identify with organizations with under 50 representatives at their organization. Large organizations are committed to offer medical coverage, however get charge credits to profit staffs premiums. Detriments to Affordable Care Act do exist. There are a great many individuals who by and by buy private medical coverage. American has dropped their own insurance agency in light of the fact that the arrangement doesnt benefits the living wellbeing status or circumstance. Supplanting protection is more prominent since it offers different types of assistance, similar to maternity care, that numerous individuals dont need. The individuals who dont buy protection by March 31, 2014, and dont meet all requirements for Medicaid, willâ be evaluated an assessment of $95 (or 1% of salary, whichever is higher) in 2014 as per (Healthcare renewal, Pharmaceutical companies will pay an extra charge to close the hole which exists in Medicare Part D. This may conceivably expand medicate costs in the event that they license this onto clients. Overall population could lose their organization supported medicinal services plans. A ton of organizations will think that its more cost employable to take care of the punishment. Other independent ventures may discover they can show signs of improvement plan through the state-run trades as per (â€Å"The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Employment-Based Health Insurance†). Administrations and gear that bolsters people with wounds, handicaps, or interminable, the Obamacare plans will likewise cover merchandise and ventures to assist you with saving a way of life on the off chance that you contract an incessant infection. The Affordable Care Act shields back up plans from slicing advantages to bring down expenses. Do you think they be required to raise individuals premiums? Not absolutely, since their profits will increment as a large number of individuals uninsured beginning paying premiums. Republicans holds substantially more negative perspectives on The Affordable Care Act and the government than Democrats. Moreover, when informed that the government (as opposed to the state) will execute their trade program, Republicans are far less independent that program will flourish. Democrats oppositely were in any event as sure about the administrative government’s ability to deal with the trades as they were in the states’. These distinctions i n perceptions, together with the stubborn cosmetics of states that have decided on state versus administrative usage of the medical coverage trades, have the planned to prompt further in general mistrust of the government and more prominent detachment across states and gatherings. Basically all Republican states are deciding on governmentally oversaw trade programs and almost all Democratic states are selecting to run the trades themselves. Therefore, governmentally run medical coverage trades are probably going to encounter a larger number of battles than are state-run trades, yet not really because of deficiencies of the central government. Sensibly, the battles of governmentally run trades will come from one-sided difference to medicinal services change at the state level. Because of the bewildering job of stubborn time-squandering, we can't unswervingly connect states with governmentally run stages to those with state run projects to assess which level of government is progressively fit for playing out this troublesome approach change. Theâ problem emerges when each state has divergent inclinations, and dependent on those decisions, the states â€Å"category† into two sets: one gathering that needs to, and does, get the treatment, and one gathering that wouldn't like to, and thusly doesn't, get the treatment. Republicans intend to challenge medicinal services change, and afterward condemn that it doesn't work, despite the fact that crediting blame to the Obama organization. For the present, states with Democratic administration need the change to succeed, and liable to cooperate with the government. With an end goal to enable the arrangement to succeed, these states are adopting an additional hands on strategy and applying the gets in touch with themselves. Furthermore, in states where both the bureaucratic and state governments need the change to succeed, the program will be very much applied and open endorsement of medicinal services change, the state government, and furthermore the government will rise. The capacity of the House of Representatives and the Senate to favor this enactment scored a notable triumph in the century long fight to change the countries medicinal services winning last endorsement of enactment that extends inclusion to 32 million individuals and endeavors to contain spiraling expenses. The House casted a ballot 219 to 212 to favor the measure, with each Republican democratic. Throughout the following 10 years, the measure will set in signal a mind boggling arrangement of deviations to the medical coverage showcase that will change into the greatest broad ening of inclusion since Medicare and Medicaid were made in 1965, and the most hopeful force ever to limit social insurance costs. Presidents as far back as Theodore Roosevelt have regretted the countries way to deal with wellbeing inclusion, a structure that helps genuinely well to 150 million Americans who have medical coverage through their occupations however offers hardly any reasonable decisions for people who work low maintenance, are free or work for foundations that dont propose medical advantages. The bill will influence pretty much every man, lady and youth in the United States somehow or another, from the youthful grown-ups who set up one of the biggest uninsured gatherings to poor and childless grown-ups who are not qualified for Medicaid in many states. The social insurance banter influenced numerous ethical issues in American life The effect on the American purchaser is significant. These approved aids will permit more people to discover and treat constant diseases previously. A great many families will have the option to evade monetary disappointment by accepting treatment early, or by having the protection to cover these costs. In theâ forthcoming, this should bring down social insurance costs by lessening shocking consideration. Numerous individuals will get protection, because of the parenthood, infant and pediatric consideration. This will decrease medical coverage charges in general. Close to the ground pay tranquilize addicts, drunkards and the intellectually malevolence have protection inclusion to help their conditions. While nobody can make them to get perfect, perceptive, protective inclusion can appear. References †¢TITLE I-QUALITY, â€Å" AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL AMERICANS,† The Affordable Care Act insurance/rights/law/index.html †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Healthcare reformation†, †¢(â€Å"The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Employment-Based Health Insurance†, March 15, 2012) †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Affordable Care Act: An Experiment in Federalism?,† Kyle A. Dropp, Molly C. Jackman, Saul P. Jackman †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"House passes social insurance change bill without Republican votes† By Shailagh Murray and Lori Montgomery, Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday, June 5, 2020

How Islamic Financing Differs From Conventional Western Financing Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

According to the Oxford Business Group Sharia law prescribes the ethical responsibilities of the Muslim faithful and forms the basic principles of Islamic financing. Islamic financing must therefore follow the teachings of the holy Quaran and the Sunnah which prescribe the Muslims way of life. For centuries these laws have been governing financial transactions and trade amongst Muslims .The group further states that Islamic financing encompasses the range of financial transactions that comply with provisions of Sharia or Islamic law. As Fisher, Lou Hoffmans( 2012, pg, 156) assert Sharia laws prohibit charging interest (ushuru), gambling and engaging in illegal business. Accordingly, Islamic financing is dissimilar from conventional western financing where charging interest on money lent or borrowed is at the epicentre of many transactions. Moreover, Islamic financing prohibits engaging in contractual agreements with uncertainty. Provisions of Islamic financing demand that all parties entering into any contract must be fully aware of the true nature of such a transaction. Furthermore, business transactions that depend on speculation are forbidden by Sharia. Consequently, returns from a business venture should only be derived from the efforts of the parties involved in the transaction. The economic advancement in many Islamic nations underlined the need to formulate strategies to capture this growing market. Today, the Islamic finance industry has witnessed exponential growth brought about by discovery of oil in most Middle East nations. The industrys worth last year was estimated to be worth round $1.3 trillion (The Economist Online, 2010). How Islamic financing differs from conventional Western Financing Although Islamic finance prohibits interest, profits derived from combining elements of finance are enterprises are still acceptable. Essentially, it is an equitable profit-sharing, risk-sharing form of financing. As Wang (2011) argues, most elements of the financial instruments are present in both Islamic and conventional Western financing models. The differences are usually occasioned by the approach to such services rather than the underlying principles. Moreover, there is a stronger element of equitable participation in Islamic banking as opposed to conventional banking. Some of the underlying principles of Islamic banking include Ijarah Ijarah is a lease agreement where the lessor assumes ownership of an asset for a specific time period and pays the agreed fee for the duration. The leased item must retain constant value over the lease duration the term of the lease. Consumable items are therefore not permissible in such transactions. The lessor covers maintenance and insurance costs of the assets throughout the period of the agreement. Ijarah is similar to conventional hire purchase contracts. Assets that may be used in this mode of financing include capital assets such as vehicles and land (Iqra Sense 2012). Murabaha Cost-plus financing / buy-sell arrangement In this transaction the borrower asks the lender to purchase an asset on the premise that the borrower will eventually purchase the asset at a higher price.ÂÂ   Repayment can be done in a lump sum or by instalments. The lump repayment is known as ÂÂ   Bai Bithaman Ajil or deferred payment sale agreement. On completion of such a transaction all land titles are transferred to the borrower. For such a transaction to be valid all parties must have been fully aware of the conditions and the asset in question must not be haram (Iqra Sense 2012). Bai al-Inah Sale and buy-back Under this transaction the borrower purchases an asset from the lender on a deferred payment basis.ÂÂ  The asset is then resold immediately to a lender for cash at a discount.ÂÂ   This mode of financing is normally used to mitigate against insolvency of the lender after the transaction (Iqra Sense 2012). An Istisna is a transaction agreement for acquisition of goods whereby a predetermined price is fixed by the parties. However, the seller is liable for any damage to the goods until they change ownership to the buyer. Bai Salam is an upfront payment by the purchaser for Shariah compliant assets that the seller undertakes to supply to the purchaser at a date in the future (Iqra Sense 2012). MusharakahÂÂ   In this arrangement, a lender and a borrower agree to make a capital contribution towards the financing of an asset. The Parties further agree to share profits from the transaction at an agreed ratio before the actual transaction. Similarly any losses are shared at a proportional ratio to their initial contributions (Iqra Sense 2012). Tawarroq finance A Lender may also agree to purchase an asset on behalf of the borrower then sell it back to the former.ÂÂ   The Borrower may later sell the asset to a third party buyer while repaying the lender in instalments (Iqra Sense 2012). Mudharabah Under Mudharabah a trustee who provides skill and expertise in managing assets for Islamic investors earn an agreed share of the profits. However, they cannot claim any right to the assets since they merely act as managers (Iqra Sense 2012). Implications Islamic Financing Todays Sharia compliant banking can be traced back to the petro- dollar boom of the 1980s. The current market for Islamic finance today is worth around $1.3 trillion. This represents a viable market proportion that should not be ignored by any commercial bank. Islamic financing helps in militating against risks of defaulting on loans, since the loans are interest free. This risk is inherently higher in conventional banking than Islamic banking (Beck, Kunt Merouche 2010, pg 6). On the flipside, investors may shy away from making deposits which do not earn any interest. However, the legal complexities of fully implementing Islamic financing may inhibit more banks from adopting such products (Beck, Kunt Merouche 2010, pg 7). Furthermore, the strict adherence to provisions of Sharia laws by most Muslims may drive away potential clients if they perceive any violations of such laws. More institutions should adopt the system since the underlying principle of risk sharing in Islamic finance further minimizes the negative impact of financial crisis. The equitable nature of savings and investment in Islamic banking further increases clients motivation to monitor the bank. Since banks adopting this system have the moral obligation of protecting clients from unfair enrichment, they become more proactive in the management process (Wang, 2011). Conclusion Islamic financing has witnessed tremendous growth in the past. Nations with predominately Muslim populations and the ever increasing cash from crude oil in the Middle East further provides more opportunities for growth. To take advantage of this market segment, all financial players are advised to adopt Sharia compliant banking into their long term strategies.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Problem Of Internet Security - 829 Words

I could now confidently say that the addition of this course Business Computing Environment and Networks to the curriculum has tremendously helped me gain more knowledge about the basics of the Networks, how it is being managed, its security, and also how to be more aware of the problems that are being caused nowadays due to the lack of Internet security. As a part of the learning and to my best understanding from this course, I would like to delve more into the most common internet security problems and how do we solve the business problems through the Internet Security. As we all know, the word internet itself is a very broad term and the security of the Internet would be the first thing that each and every company has on its mind in order to solve numerous business problems they come across every day and to successfully run their businesses. As everyone is quite aware of the fact that the Internet itself has never been a secured environment, so every company strives itself hard to take utmost precautions in order to protect their computers or their computer networks which are being connected to the internet globally. One of the major problems that most businesses face these days are more often related to their business security. We all pretty much encounter the problem of our systems being attacked by viruses. Viruses are nothing but the programs that are being developed in order to damage the systems. These either damage or destroy the data on your system or they don’tShow MoreRelated What are the security problems and solutions of the Internet?1390 Words   |  6 Pages Internet has vital impact in our life nowadays as it becomes more and more popular. It allows us to have wider range of communication and interaction, to exchange and share experiences, thoughts, information, and to make business online. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Malaria No More Malaria - 1356 Words

Malaria No More Malaria is a mosquito-borne infection of humans, among other organisms, caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which after being transmitted by the vector, mosquitoes under the genus Anopheles, grows in about 6 days inside of red blood cells making over 20,000 to 30,000 daughter cells and burst out to the cell to go to others. Even though malaria is very treatable and had even been eradicated in in the US since 1951, the disease caused 219 million clinical episodes and 660,000 deaths in 2010. In the same year, the vector spread disease was also the 7th leading killer in lower income countries. Since 2700 BCE, where ancient Chinese medicinal documents described characteristics of Malaria symptoms, the human†¦show more content†¦To begin with, the difficulty in eradicating Malaria by trying to change the environmental factors is, quite simply, there is only so much we can control. There is no doubt that there is a link between the frequencies of Malaria and climate it is found in. It is extremely prevalent in Africa, specifically the countries closest to the Equator. The tropical and sub-tropical regions of countries like Chad and Sierra Leone are ideal conditions for the mosquitoes that necessary for the transmission of the parasite to humans. In fact, rainfall can create collections of water called breeding sites where mosquitoes deposit their eggs and in tropical regions the eggs only need about twelve days in order to go from its larvae stage to full adulthood. In order for the Malaria to be successfully transmitted the mosquito must be alive for 9-21 days, sin ce that’s how long the cycle takes to occur. Plus, the mosquito must be in an environment with at least 25 °C, which are perfect conditions for warm places such as equatorial Africa. On top of that, pregnant women, young children and travelers to these Malaria infested places have a greater chance to get infected because their immune system would be compromised. The problem with trying to change these problems, are that these are extremely difficult

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Road Risk to Motor Bikes

Question: Write an essay on Road risk to motor bikes and cyclist in London? Answer: Introduction: The number of road accidents is going increase day by day. The proportion for the motor bikes and cyclist in the road accidents is more than other vehicles. During the last decade, more than three million road casualties are found in the Great Britain. It was observed that more than 36000 people died in the road accident and about 373985 people were seriously injured in the road accidents. It was also observed that the figures regarding the death and injury from the police record do not reveal the actual figures. The real situation is different from the records. There are no records for so many accidents. For each year, the government official record for the total number of people killed and injured in the road collisions is given as 730000. The price paid by the persons in the road accidents and their families is inestimable. There is a high road risk to motor bikes and cyclist in London. The number of vehicles in the London is high. It was observed that the number of the motor bike s and cyclist in the London city is high as compared to the other vehicles. It was estimated that the annual cost to the economy for the road accidents is observed about 15 to 32 billion euro. Riding on the motorbike is dangerous in the London city. It was found that about 7000 bikers and their pillions were dead in the last decade 1999 to 2010. In the road safety study, it was revealed that the only 1% of the road traffic is occupied by the bikers but the casualty rate is 61 times greater than that of cars. It was also found that the proportion of the road accidents is higher at the weekend than the other days of the week. It was revealed that the cyclists have higher casualty rate than other pedestrians. It was found that 1575 cyclists were died on the roads during the year 1999 to 2010. It was observed that the more accidents occurred in the morning and evening rush hours. On the Saturday and Sunday there are more road accidents than the other days. Research Questions: For any study, the research questions are important to getting the proper direction for the research study. For the study of road risk to motor bikes and cyclist in London, some of the research questions should be established. For this research proposal, we have to find the answers for the following research questions: What is the average number of death for a single month in the roads of London? What are alternatives for avoiding the road accidents? For which type of vehicle, there are a more accidents? Is there any trend line exist in the road accidents by time line or day? If there are any other research questions necessary regarding to the study of road risk to motor bikes and cyclist, then it is necessary to include these research questions in the research study. For finding the answers for the research questions, it is necessary to use the proper research methodology. The proper research methodology is explained in the next topic. Research Methodology: In this part, the proper methodology for the analysis of the road risk to motor bikes is explained in detail. If the research methodology is not proper, then results would not be unbiased and useful for the analysis purpose. So use of proper methodology plays an important role in the research study. It should be kept in mind that the proper attention on the appropriate steps and proper methodology should be applied when research is carried out. The first step in the research methodology is the collection of the data for the variables consists in the research study. Data for the corresponding variables under study is very important for the analysis purpose. Keep proper attention while data is collected is very important to obtain a balanced sample from the desired population. After the data collection, the average values should be obtained for the variables under study for this research study. Here, we can obtain the descriptive statistics for the daily accidents, monthly accidents fo r the bikers, cars and other vehicles. After the descriptive statistics, we can find the relationship between the different days and number of accidents. While data collection, the data should be collected according to the month, day and time of the accident. It would be helpful for finding the trends according to different timing slots. The proper graphs should be explained the pictorial information about the total number of accidents according to the different months and different time slots. The time series analysis is useful for the analysis of the road accidents and it will give proper direction for less down the accident proportion. For checking the claims regarding the road accidents, we can use different statistical tests of hypothesis and we can conclude about the real situation. We can also find the correlation coefficient and regression line for the relationship between the different variables included in the study. It should be important to keep the data in a suitable tabular format or any other appropriate format. If the format of the data is not suitable, then it is difficult to arrange the facts while the data analysis is conducting for the conclusion purpose. Also, proper methods should be used during the statistical analysis. There are so many statistical methods available for the analysis of the same questions and selection of the proper method is necessary to find the answers to corresponding problem. All methods should be applied clearly and there should not be any confusion while conducting the research. The facts related to the road risk to motor bikes and cyclist should be analysing properly. All simple facts related to the road accidents in the roads of the London city should be included in a proper way. Also, summary statistics for the road accidents for the motorbikes and the cyclists should be included in the analysis for the easy view of the project research. Some simple graphs related to the road accidents in the London city should be included in the research study so that any common man should analyse the findings in an easy way. Data collection: The first step in any research analysis is nothing but the data collection. For this research proposal, the data should be collected from the government offices or police stations. Data for the road accidents is also available on the different government websites. The proper sample size should be decided for the research study. Sample data should consist of all areas of London. To getting representative to all areas, the proper sampling method should be employ for the selection of sample. If all areas of the London is not included in the sample, then the overall results for this research study would not be correct or approximately correct for the entire London city. So data collection with proper care is very important and data should be handled by the experts. While collecting of data, many things should be kept in mind. It is important to collect the data in an appropriate way. Sometimes there are so much data available collectively for the all types of accidents. Data extraction for the road accidents of the motor bikes and cyclists in the London city is necessary for taking the random sample for the required categories. All necessary data regarding the road risks should be collected according to the time factor and any other important factor. Data Analysis: In this part, the actual data analysis process is explained for the road accidents in the London city. In this data analysis for the road risk to motor bikes and cyclists in the London city, we have to find the descriptive statistics for the total number of the road accidents according to the different months. We have to categorize the data according to the road accidents due to the different types of vehicles. We have to use different types of graphs for better explanation of the situation. For explaining the real situation about the road accidents in the London, we have to use the box plots, histograms, bar diagrams etc. we have to find the correlation coefficient for the different variables included in the study. We have to draw the time series plot for the study of the variation in the trend according to the different time slots. We have to find the reasons for accidents within some specific time slot, why the accident proportion is high. We have to use the test of hypothesis for checking the claims regarding the total number of accidents in the roads of London city. The graphs for the facts regarding the road risk to motorbikes and cyclist should be included in the research so that any layman will analyse the fact in a simple way. The overall summary table should be included in the research of the road risk to motorbikes and cyclist. Conclusions: After the study of this research proposal, we should get the results for the following points: We should find the average number of total accidents in each day, each month and each year. The average number should be finding according to the different types of the vehicles. The relationship should be found between the two related variables by using the different statistical methods. If exists, the relationship should be explains in terms of correlation coefficient and extent of association between the two variables should be explained for this study. The results for the claims regarding to the variables under study should be included in the conclusions for this study. The overall summary for the important findings should be included in the conclusions part. It is also to suggest some recommendations for taking the proper action by the government. The analysis should be useful for the management of traffic in the roads of the London city. Proper recommendations would be useful for managing the traffic and related issues. References: Government websites, Great Britain. David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves, Statistics, 3rd ed., W. W. Norton Company, 1997. Morris H. DeGroot, Mark J. Schervish Probability and Statistics, 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2001. Leonard J. Savage, The Foundations of Statistics, 2nd ed., Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1972. Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig, Joseph W. McKean, An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, 2004. George Casella, Roger L. Berger, Statistical Inference, 2nd ed., Duxbury Press, 2001. David R. Cox, D. V. Hinkley, Theoretical Statistics, Chapman Hall/CRC, 1979. Peter J. 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