Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Road Risk to Motor Bikes

Question: Write an essay on Road risk to motor bikes and cyclist in London? Answer: Introduction: The number of road accidents is going increase day by day. The proportion for the motor bikes and cyclist in the road accidents is more than other vehicles. During the last decade, more than three million road casualties are found in the Great Britain. It was observed that more than 36000 people died in the road accident and about 373985 people were seriously injured in the road accidents. It was also observed that the figures regarding the death and injury from the police record do not reveal the actual figures. The real situation is different from the records. There are no records for so many accidents. For each year, the government official record for the total number of people killed and injured in the road collisions is given as 730000. The price paid by the persons in the road accidents and their families is inestimable. There is a high road risk to motor bikes and cyclist in London. The number of vehicles in the London is high. It was observed that the number of the motor bike s and cyclist in the London city is high as compared to the other vehicles. It was estimated that the annual cost to the economy for the road accidents is observed about 15 to 32 billion euro. Riding on the motorbike is dangerous in the London city. It was found that about 7000 bikers and their pillions were dead in the last decade 1999 to 2010. In the road safety study, it was revealed that the only 1% of the road traffic is occupied by the bikers but the casualty rate is 61 times greater than that of cars. It was also found that the proportion of the road accidents is higher at the weekend than the other days of the week. It was revealed that the cyclists have higher casualty rate than other pedestrians. It was found that 1575 cyclists were died on the roads during the year 1999 to 2010. It was observed that the more accidents occurred in the morning and evening rush hours. On the Saturday and Sunday there are more road accidents than the other days. Research Questions: For any study, the research questions are important to getting the proper direction for the research study. For the study of road risk to motor bikes and cyclist in London, some of the research questions should be established. For this research proposal, we have to find the answers for the following research questions: What is the average number of death for a single month in the roads of London? What are alternatives for avoiding the road accidents? For which type of vehicle, there are a more accidents? Is there any trend line exist in the road accidents by time line or day? If there are any other research questions necessary regarding to the study of road risk to motor bikes and cyclist, then it is necessary to include these research questions in the research study. For finding the answers for the research questions, it is necessary to use the proper research methodology. The proper research methodology is explained in the next topic. Research Methodology: In this part, the proper methodology for the analysis of the road risk to motor bikes is explained in detail. If the research methodology is not proper, then results would not be unbiased and useful for the analysis purpose. So use of proper methodology plays an important role in the research study. It should be kept in mind that the proper attention on the appropriate steps and proper methodology should be applied when research is carried out. The first step in the research methodology is the collection of the data for the variables consists in the research study. Data for the corresponding variables under study is very important for the analysis purpose. Keep proper attention while data is collected is very important to obtain a balanced sample from the desired population. After the data collection, the average values should be obtained for the variables under study for this research study. Here, we can obtain the descriptive statistics for the daily accidents, monthly accidents fo r the bikers, cars and other vehicles. After the descriptive statistics, we can find the relationship between the different days and number of accidents. While data collection, the data should be collected according to the month, day and time of the accident. It would be helpful for finding the trends according to different timing slots. The proper graphs should be explained the pictorial information about the total number of accidents according to the different months and different time slots. The time series analysis is useful for the analysis of the road accidents and it will give proper direction for less down the accident proportion. For checking the claims regarding the road accidents, we can use different statistical tests of hypothesis and we can conclude about the real situation. We can also find the correlation coefficient and regression line for the relationship between the different variables included in the study. It should be important to keep the data in a suitable tabular format or any other appropriate format. If the format of the data is not suitable, then it is difficult to arrange the facts while the data analysis is conducting for the conclusion purpose. Also, proper methods should be used during the statistical analysis. There are so many statistical methods available for the analysis of the same questions and selection of the proper method is necessary to find the answers to corresponding problem. All methods should be applied clearly and there should not be any confusion while conducting the research. The facts related to the road risk to motor bikes and cyclist should be analysing properly. All simple facts related to the road accidents in the roads of the London city should be included in a proper way. Also, summary statistics for the road accidents for the motorbikes and the cyclists should be included in the analysis for the easy view of the project research. Some simple graphs related to the road accidents in the London city should be included in the research study so that any common man should analyse the findings in an easy way. Data collection: The first step in any research analysis is nothing but the data collection. For this research proposal, the data should be collected from the government offices or police stations. Data for the road accidents is also available on the different government websites. The proper sample size should be decided for the research study. Sample data should consist of all areas of London. To getting representative to all areas, the proper sampling method should be employ for the selection of sample. If all areas of the London is not included in the sample, then the overall results for this research study would not be correct or approximately correct for the entire London city. So data collection with proper care is very important and data should be handled by the experts. While collecting of data, many things should be kept in mind. It is important to collect the data in an appropriate way. Sometimes there are so much data available collectively for the all types of accidents. Data extraction for the road accidents of the motor bikes and cyclists in the London city is necessary for taking the random sample for the required categories. All necessary data regarding the road risks should be collected according to the time factor and any other important factor. Data Analysis: In this part, the actual data analysis process is explained for the road accidents in the London city. In this data analysis for the road risk to motor bikes and cyclists in the London city, we have to find the descriptive statistics for the total number of the road accidents according to the different months. We have to categorize the data according to the road accidents due to the different types of vehicles. We have to use different types of graphs for better explanation of the situation. For explaining the real situation about the road accidents in the London, we have to use the box plots, histograms, bar diagrams etc. we have to find the correlation coefficient for the different variables included in the study. We have to draw the time series plot for the study of the variation in the trend according to the different time slots. We have to find the reasons for accidents within some specific time slot, why the accident proportion is high. We have to use the test of hypothesis for checking the claims regarding the total number of accidents in the roads of London city. The graphs for the facts regarding the road risk to motorbikes and cyclist should be included in the research so that any layman will analyse the fact in a simple way. The overall summary table should be included in the research of the road risk to motorbikes and cyclist. Conclusions: After the study of this research proposal, we should get the results for the following points: We should find the average number of total accidents in each day, each month and each year. The average number should be finding according to the different types of the vehicles. The relationship should be found between the two related variables by using the different statistical methods. If exists, the relationship should be explains in terms of correlation coefficient and extent of association between the two variables should be explained for this study. The results for the claims regarding to the variables under study should be included in the conclusions for this study. The overall summary for the important findings should be included in the conclusions part. It is also to suggest some recommendations for taking the proper action by the government. The analysis should be useful for the management of traffic in the roads of the London city. Proper recommendations would be useful for managing the traffic and related issues. References: Government websites, Great Britain. David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves, Statistics, 3rd ed., W. W. Norton Company, 1997. Morris H. DeGroot, Mark J. Schervish Probability and Statistics, 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2001. Leonard J. Savage, The Foundations of Statistics, 2nd ed., Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1972. Robert V. Hogg, Allen T. Craig, Joseph W. McKean, An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, 2004. George Casella, Roger L. Berger, Statistical Inference, 2nd ed., Duxbury Press, 2001. David R. Cox, D. V. Hinkley, Theoretical Statistics, Chapman Hall/CRC, 1979. Peter J. 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