Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Problem Of Internet Security - 829 Words

I could now confidently say that the addition of this course Business Computing Environment and Networks to the curriculum has tremendously helped me gain more knowledge about the basics of the Networks, how it is being managed, its security, and also how to be more aware of the problems that are being caused nowadays due to the lack of Internet security. As a part of the learning and to my best understanding from this course, I would like to delve more into the most common internet security problems and how do we solve the business problems through the Internet Security. As we all know, the word internet itself is a very broad term and the security of the Internet would be the first thing that each and every company has on its mind in order to solve numerous business problems they come across every day and to successfully run their businesses. As everyone is quite aware of the fact that the Internet itself has never been a secured environment, so every company strives itself hard to take utmost precautions in order to protect their computers or their computer networks which are being connected to the internet globally. One of the major problems that most businesses face these days are more often related to their business security. We all pretty much encounter the problem of our systems being attacked by viruses. Viruses are nothing but the programs that are being developed in order to damage the systems. These either damage or destroy the data on your system or they don’tShow MoreRelated What are the security problems and solutions of the Internet?1390 Words   |  6 Pages Internet has vital impact in our life nowadays as it becomes more and more popular. It allows us to have wider range of communication and interaction, to exchange and share experiences, thoughts, information, and to make business online. 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